ECOS – Space , Citizenship and Social Opportunities – is a non-profit, philanthropic civil society organization. The CSO was founded in 1997 in Rio de Janeiro by professionals from various segments who , over 20 years ago, identified key issues for promoting citizenship, values and perspectives through social actions in regions with socioeconomic disadvantages. The projects managed by ECOS have expanded, benefiting a huge number of people, which is increasing every day.
In 2017, around 4,000 direct employees of the organization worked for almost four years in more than 350 state schools in ParaÃba, from the capital to the northeastern hinterland and backlands: Lunch ladies, inspectors, caregivers for people with disabilities (PCD), secretaries, general assistants and many others contributed to the education and routine of these students in the public school system.
Our mission is to promote citizenship and generate opportunities, from a perspective of shared responsibility, with concrete actions and immediate benefits for the most needy population such as women, the elderly, children, people with disabilities or in situations of social vulnerability.
Beneficiaries are encouraged to pass on values and learning to family, friends and the entire community: by forming a network of transformations, adding one plus one, we make a more just and supportive nation. The proposal is to expand our management capacity to several states in Brazil, transforming individuals and communities. We have almost 25 years of experience in project execution.

Promote citizenship and generate opportunities, from a perspective of shared responsibility, with concrete actions and immediate benefits for the population in a situation of social vulnerability.
Expand the network of partners to develop programs to encourage education, culture, sports, leisure and social assistance actions throughout the nation, with a focus on sustainability, inclusion and guaranteeing rights.
Respeito | Transparência | Conhecimento |
Igualdade | Solidariedade | Determinação
Vote to choose our rulers;
Comply with the laws;
Respect the social rights of others;
Educate and protect our fellow men;
Protect nature;
Protect the country’s public and social assets;
Collaborate with authorities.
Source: Portal do Planalto
The 1988 Constitution reserves five chapters for the fundamental rights, individual and collective, of citizens

Homens e mulheres são iguais em direitos e obrigações;
Saúde, educação, moradia, trabalho, previdência social, proteção à maternidade e à infância, assistência aos desamparados, segurança, lazer, vestuário, alimentação e transporte são direitos dos cidadãos;
Ninguém é obrigado a fazer nada senão em virtude de lei;
Ninguém deve ser submetido à tortura nem a tratamento desumano;
A manifestação do pensamento é livre, sendo vedado o anonimato;
A liberdade de consciência e de crença é inviolável: assegurado o livre exercício dos cultos religiosos e garantida, na forma da lei, a proteção aos locais de culto e a suas liturgias.